There are times when i start quoting people, sometimes it makes sense too :).
This was was surely one of those times. The scenario was, when my friend sent me link to a photo-blog and we started discussing which one looks beautiful and it led to some interesting philosophical conclusion.
me: yes.. totally
4:43 PM actually i think we look at the pic differently
you look for the visual apeal
4:44 PM i look for ... what does it convey to me
in many cases..they are interrelated offcourse
4:45 PM Tipu: yaa I look basically at the prospective and the tones of the pic
along with how the photographer has made the pic dramatic
4:46 PM me: true.... i basically don't think in that direction
see this for example
can you guess how he has done that
4:48 PM me: point is , i don't care how he has done that
because i don't know
Tipu: hmm
fair enough
4:49 PM so basically to you the pic should look beautiful... but you shouldnt have to reason it out why it is looking beautiful
it should come without any reason
me: precisely
4:50 PM Tipu: that is the definition of beauty i would say
that it is actually undefined
me: yes, it lies in the eyes of the beholder
4:51 PM Tipu: I somehow constantly try to find out a form or an element that is there is something beautiful I see
4:52 PM any way.... I guess the reall good pic will the one which can enchant both the point of views
4:53 PM abstract enough to be appreciated by technical ppl and beautifull enough that it can be felt
me: yes
4:54 PM i believe, that making an art abstract for the sake of critical aclaim does not make it good
simplicity has its own charm
4:55 PM and as Mr. Hrishikesh Mukherji says.... 'it is so simple to be happy, yet it is so difficult to be simple'
Tipu: they somehow render their art difficult for normal ppl to appreciate and they somehow loose the sense of beauty in art
yes I too... thats the reason I hate all the modern artists
they somehow render their art difficult for normal ppl to appreciate and they somehow loose the sense of beauty in art
they somehow render their art difficult for normal ppl to appreciate and they somehow loose the sense of beauty in art
4:56 PM me: and as MPD says... 'any tom, dick and harry can design a complex circuit. It needs a sound designer to build a simple circuit'
4:57 PM Tipu: lol
4:58 PM me: i also smiled at first (lol in front of MPD is not possible)
4:59 PM but look at the deep meaning. I agree to the enhanced version, that is not limited to circuits... let it be any product
Tipu: yaa
thank you :)
My sincere apologies to the photographer, and in no way I am saying that is not an amazing picture...
but its a point and shoot photograph by being at the right place at the right time with the right equipment..
Its amazing though !
Personally I feel that how something is done, makes one expand the thoughts around liking or disliking it. Having said that, just going by instinct and what the heart or the head says is good enough ! Else, there was not way we would be able to appreciate modern and/or abstract art!
Welcome :)
The emphasis was not on that photograph. It was a more generic discussion.
As i said, i do not know much about photography. So i do not include technicalities in my judgement criterion. But i expect it to appeal to me irrespective of that.
@ ohm
I think you have highly under estimated the effort that goes on to generate these kind of photographs. majority of the photographs are high dynamic range photographs. being at right place and having the right equipments (a good SLR to start with) in one thing but having the vision to shoot with right exposure (in many cases they are combination of as much as 12 shots), and then generating a good HDR image is quite a work of art. although if you still feel it can be done with a normal point and shoot, you are god
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