I had an oppurtunity to measure the after-effects of chemicals called Vodka,Whiski,Rum,Beer and look-alikes ;). It came because of some guys from my hostel decided to throw a booze treat for their newly found jobs !! .....this is what some of the after effects.
VB : hey man , don't worry, i am fine, i am fine...... gets himself away from his peers wanting to hold him.. and falls flat on his head...
AM : F**k man, i can't belive i am f**king drunk. what the f**k is happening to me. why am i using these f**king word f**k all the time.
KDSB : struggling to stand on his feet...... and shouting.. oye noone will touch me... i don't want to be dependent on anybody else. i can help myself..:D... poor chap, just 3-4 glasses before he was taking an algorithms lecture for job-seekers .
After a long party ... series of amazingly funny incidents.... and lots of senti....( its really amazing how the level of senti hormones rise when you are drunk. ) ... suddenly the truth is knocking my head, that the 4 years with these wonderful people is coming to an end !